Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Top Erection Long Lasting Tips

The quick flaccidity of the penis without sustained erection during sex is no more any other defect but the erectile dysfunction whose problem and a side effect cannot be overemphasized. ED or erectile dysfunction is a defect that affects men at various ages but very predominant among men of increased age and regardless of the ages of the affected persons, the trauma is usually the same. This trauma could be physical, psychological and or emotional but whatever be the effect, understanding what to do at this times are very essential and this is because knowledge enhances better living.

Male Genital Anatomy

In as much as the major cause of short erection, time is due to lack of flow of blood to the cavernous vessels of the penis which causes it to become small and falling even at sexually stimulated state. From the word erectile dysfunction, a dysfunction is meant literally when an organ that can do a particle action normally begins to misbehave. Dysfunction has to do with both the organ and the mind or let's say the psychology of the individual. A man who has this defect will not last long in bed and as a man, the worst situation to be in is to finish first or be tired first while having intercourse with a spouse.

Getting the gist:

According to the latest study on this, the majority of sexual activities last for two to seven minutes with most men with this ED cases, even after taken pills and other medication still having to fall below to less than two minutes thus leaving their partner their orgasm and quit disappointment. This disappointment can surprisingly be avoided with knowledge and practice. This sexual dysfunction has wrecked many relationships and even if you were a partner, you will really feel disappointed. The below-listed tips are not just for those who have ED but even those without it or having the prior symptoms. It may interest you to know that this tips are not a complete whole of their selves and can work for and not work for others so understanding which works for you and that does not will help.

1. The myth of the eyes:

Our society takes sex education from a particular perspective which is on the anatomy and on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The education should not just focus on the above mentioned, but on sexual intercourse and satisfaction, sexuality and reproduction. Topics that relate health to potency and sexual pleasure has for long suffer lack of consideration and this has, in turn, affected our society. This education that has been neglected has now been acquired through various pornographic videos and movies making the real-life experience of sex meaningless and unsatisfactory why because this act leads to lack of ejaculation control.

2. The myth of the mind:

People who have this ED or are on medication must understand that this defect is also a thing that affects the mind and or the psychology of the person involved. Focus directs energy and effort and this also implies to sexually interaction. When the mind of the male involved in this is elsewhere while in action, the erection tends to be relaxed and the penis flaccid. There will always be a counter opposite reaction when a supposed man having sex feels to think about a baseball action.