Buy Viagra

Viagra How It Works

An effective tablet, viagra is the most prescribed impotency drug. If a person has erection problems, then the doctor may prescribe viagra as it acts much faster than any other drug.

Viagra gives good erection to the penis. How this happens? Viagra tablets act on the muscles in the penis and relaxes it. Once the muscles gets good relaxation, more blood flows to that region. When blood flow increases, the penis becomes hard.

It is not that the same dosage is given to every one. However, the drug should have to be taken an hour ahead of sexual play. Well, once you have the pill taken, you can have immense pleasure with your partner for about 50 long hours.

While taking Viagra, strictly see that you do not take larger doses as it can only increase the risk of side effects. In any case if you have taken an overdose, seek immediate medical attention.

Viagra should be taken only if the doctor has recommended it. Well, when you approach the doctor for your impotency problem, never hide from him if you have any problems related to the kidney, heart, liver or blood.

Viagra is not prescribed if you are under a medication containing nitrates as it can only lower the pressure, which can be fatal. Never consume alcohol while taking viagra as it increases the risk of side effects.

When coming to the side effects, they are not that severe when compared to other erectile deficiency drugs. However, if you come across any uneasiness after taking viagra, never delay in calling the doctor.